Is a testamentary trust right for you?

One of the most loving things that you can do for your family is make plans for what happens after you die. This is particularly important if you have children or vulnerable adults who depend on you financially. A testamentary trust might be the right tool to help you...

Buying a Property? Don’t Skip the Pre-Settlement Inspection

Purchasing a property is a significant undertaking. One crucial step in the process that should not be overlooked is the pre-settlement inspection. This involves the buyer inspecting the property just prior to completing the purchase. In this article, we explore the...

First Home Buyer

At MRC LAW we are aware of the struggles first home buyers have saving the deposit and buying a house.  We would like to do our part in helping first home buyers get into the market.  All first home buyers purchasing a property as their Principal Place of Residence...

Help for First Home Buyers in Victoria

For many Australians, home ownership is a personal goal. Yet, for many first-time buyers, purchasing a home seems out of reach, especially as the housing market continues to rise. Fortunately, in Victoria, various support mechanisms exist to ease the journey for first...

Will Contests and Estate Disputes – an Overview

In Australia, there are legal avenues available to individuals who wish to contest a will or challenge the distribution of an estate. Although regrettable, such disputes are often unavoidable and sometimes essential to ensure fair outcomes. Understanding these legal...