Help for First Home Buyers in Victoria

For many Australians, home ownership is a personal goal. Yet, for many first-time buyers, purchasing a home seems out of reach, especially as the housing market continues to rise. Fortunately, in Victoria, various support mechanisms exist to ease the journey for first...

Will Contests and Estate Disputes – an Overview

In Australia, there are legal avenues available to individuals who wish to contest a will or challenge the distribution of an estate. Although regrettable, such disputes are often unavoidable and sometimes essential to ensure fair outcomes. Understanding these legal...

Due Diligence when Buying an Existing Business

If you are thinking about a new venture, expanding an existing business or entering a new market, one option you might consider is to buy an established business. There are advantages and disadvantages when buying an existing business compared with starting your own....

Why it’s a bad idea to write your own Will

It is relatively easy to find a free Will template on the internet and fairly cheap to buy a Will “kit” from a newsagent or online. There are also websites that have “data collectors” that take your information and create a Will for you seemingly without any legal...

The employees right to disconnect – new law

Is your company ready for the changes to your employees right to disconnect from work. On 12 January 2024 parliament passed the bill to amend the Fair Work Act to give employees the right to disconnect from work. This right will take effect on 26 August 2024 for...