NSW 2 Lot Subdivisions

Did you know that in NSW a 2 lot subdivision is required to keep clear records, hold an AGM each year and report within 3 months of the AGM to Fair Trading and if you don’t you will get a please explain letter. In Victoria a 2 lot does not need to do anything BUT I...


How many of you know what is a caveat and what does it do. The good definition of a caveat is that it is an instrument when lodged at the titles office that can prohibit any person dealing with the land in question. Most times a caveat is used to protect a purchaser...

Family Law Property Settlements

In the Family Law field where the parties have separated and want to settle their property interests there is a lot of Law on the subject but the primary get go is to gather all the information of the assets and liabilities of the parties to ensure there has been a...

Drinking and Driving Anothers Car

DON’T LEND YOUR CAR because if you do and your friend gets caught drink driving at 0.10 you loose your car for 30 days and you have to pay the fine $600.00 to get it back The Herald Sun today 15th June 2015 writes: THOUSANDS of Victorians found boozed-up behind the...