Employment Law

Victorian Crime Statistics Agency recorded 88,214 ‘family incidents’ in 2019–20 and a massive cost is
born by government, individuals and their families and the community at large.
Did you also know that earlier this year, changes to legislation were made to cover Domestic and
Family Violence Leave Entitlements, such that every employee whether casual, full or part time are
now entitled to 10 days of non accruable leave.
To be business ready, ask yourself these questions:
1. Is your business up to date with the changes?
2. Have you amended your employment contracts?
3. Have HR or the business communicated to employees, so they are aware of their rights?
If you answered No to any of these questions, please reach out to Louise Day of our office 0419 568 590
to help you amend your business contracts, understand the changes required, or assist HR in managing this sensitive situation.