

Verification of identity and e-conveyancing

Today I am discussing the need for Verification of identity and e-conveyancing. To reduce the risk of property fraud, states across Australian are introducing verification-of-identity (VOI) legislation for transfers of property. It also compulsory for property sales...

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Superannuation retirement and tax

Superannuation, contributions, retirement and tax seem to take up a lot of discussion and the changing laws keep many people confused about what are their rights and entitlements when they make contributions to their superannuation. Mr Andrew Proebstl chief executive...

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Retail Leases update

What is this all about A case that has extended the definition of what constitutes a retail tenant will have wide ramifications for practitioners who deal with commercial leases, the Victorian Small Business Commissioner (VSBC) Judy O’Connell has warned. Providing...

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Small Business Contracts Unfair terms

Small Business Contracts under review ACCC v JJ Richards is the first successful prosecution involving unfair terms in small business contracts. It is likely to have a significant impact on commercial practices. Snapshot: ACCC v JJ Richards is a landmark case, being...

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No such thing as a simple Will

No such thing as a simple will A recent decision of the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Tasmania in Calvert v Badenach [2015] TASFC 8 is a good reminder for lawyers preparing wills that there is no such thing as a simple will.  The case concerned a professional...

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Windfall Tax

New 50% tax on rezoned rural land – The Victorian Government has made a further announcement about a new windfall gains tax, WGT, which was first announced as part of the 2021-22 Victorian Budget. It is proposed that a new windfall gains tax will be applied to land...

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We are moving

On the 21st March 2022 we will be opening our new office at 91 Belmore Street Yarrawonga with new staff and a new look look office environment. For the month or March and April anyone mentioning this blog will receive a 25% discount on their legal fees and are welcome...

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We have moved

How fantastic we have moved into our new office at 91 Belmore Street Yarrawonga see http://shorturl.at/bsDET Come and visit and let us make your legal journey something special.

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Immigration Law

Need an Immigration Lawyer in Victoria? We have the pleasure in offering a new service from 1 July 2022 as Immigration Lawyers. Our goal is to assist our clients with a wide range of applications for permits to live and work in Australia. At the completion of work or...

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Parent to child property loans

If you want to provide financial support to your child to buy a house there are some things to think about before you part with your money. You may be happy to treat the money you give to your child as a gift, but you should understand there are circumstances where...

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